Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I am not ready for this to end.

I am absolutely not (not. Not. NOT. *not.*) ready for the babies to leave. I'm just not. How on earth have 2 and a half weeks gone by already? I feel like we made the most of this last day. I think we made the most of the whole trip. But I am just not ready for it to be over. It is so very hard.

This sucks.


1 comment:

SassyFemme said...

Those are some very fortunate kids to have a big sister who adores them so much. I have no doubt the experiences with you will be memories they'll have long into adulthood, and that you're laying the foundation for a good relationship with them when they grow up. Given the age difference between y'all it can't be easy, but it sure sounds like you're doing a great job as their big sister.

Sending you a hug and some kleenex.