Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Catching Up

I mentioned recently that I am timidly cautiously exploring some job opportunities. I'm still working on that... we'll see how it goes. I am working towards working from home, but it will be a slow (and hopefully steady) process. I am far to obsessive and cautious to dive into it too quickly, I want to make sure it is a steady and viable income before I make the move. I had assumed/planned that I would stay at the college until that time, but I am considering otherwise now.

I am increasingly unhappy at the college, for a few different reasons: I really miss Kim being there. Hardly anyone that I knew through her even talks to me anymore - even when I pass them in the hall. I rarely have opportunity to see our mutual friends - most of my contact was on my way to her office b/c they are mostly in her old building, or on the way to it. My boss (not my direct supervisor, but the head boss) is increasingly hostile towards me and difficult to work with... she really makes my job miserable. Add to all that, with the state budget crisis, my hours have been cut. While Kim and I are both enjoying the extra free time that gives us, it makes my income so low as to hardly be worth it. All those together spurred me to start exploring my options a bit. And as I did, a very odd thing happened... I found myself becoming *excited* at the prospect of such a major change and energized by my prospects. That was such a novel thing for me, but the buzz has stayed.

I went on my first interview, and I feel like it went really well. I was on my game, I presented myself well, I felt encouraged at the way I handled it. All in all it was a good thing. I haven't heard back yet - she was still taking interviews through this week. I won't be taking the job, if it is offered, for several reasons; but the interview felt like a success and it was a great start to getting my feet wet.

I have another interview lined up for the first week in November. I am feeling excited about it, but a bit nervous. This job was definitely a reach position for me, so though I feel my chances are slim, I am encouraged that I even managed to pull out an interview. If, by some off chance, I am offered this position, I would definitely take it.

Other than the job front, not much going on lately. We've been traveling quite a bit - day trips mostly - but nothing new there. I love that Kim is as into fun and adventure as I am. I love being on the go. After Kim gets back from her business trip on Friday, I think we may check out a pumpkin fest on Saturday during the day. Saturday night we have another meeting at our church with the Welcoming Congregation group. Our turn to present is coming up in 2.5 weeks. That will be fun. Right after church on Sunday, we will be staying to have pizza lunch with the youth while volunteering on a project they are working on. I'm looking forward to that too.

My biological clock is ticking like a nanosecond alarm clock on speed these days. No, I don't have any real news on that front... just thought I'd share anyway.

I'm thinking of writing a coming out letter to my grandparents. Even typing that sounds drama-filled and bizarre. It also feels slightly redundant, but important to do anyway. *sigh* Maybe I'll go into it more in a future post.

Ok, I think that's it for now!

Pillow Talk

I was pretty close to dozing off in bed the other night, when:

K: So, honey?

C: Mmmm-hmmm?

K: I was wondering something, and I thought I'd just ask, since you've had more girlfriends than I have.

C: *suddenly wide awake* You know, dear, no conversation that starts out like that ever goes well. Ever. It's like a rule or something.

K: Well, I was just curious about something.

C: Yes? warily...

K: Do you think it is unusual that I like ...? Or do lots of people like to ...?

C: Hmmmm. seriously considering the question

C: Well, I...

K: interrupting Cause I was just wondering if, in your experience, others like it too, or if it was just part of what makes me such an exceptional lover?

C: Uh, well, thanks for clarifying how I was supposed to answer! Obviously, it is uniquely *you*, because you are such an exceptional lover, and no one else in the whole world would ever even think about doing that. *whew, glad she interrupted before I finished stepping into that minefield!*

K: Yeah, that's what I thought. I just wanted to make sure.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I. Really. Hate. Change.

So, what on earth made me apply for four separate jobs this afternoon, and already agree to interview at one of them... tomorrow afternoon!?

Good hell.

I think I've lost my mind.