Saturday, June 7, 2008

Summer Vacation

The kids are coming for a visit this summer. I am positively dying of excitement! They will be here for about 3 weeks. There is so much we would love to do with them, but gosh, things are so expensive! Especially when you realize that everything we do will be times six. And gas prices... goodness gracious! So in an attempt to fit in as much as we can, and make sure they are things the kids most want to do, we have sent them each a survey. Spencer called me today to let me know that they got them. They are as excited by them as I thought they would be. Check out this snapshot to see part of the survey.

Spencer says he'll mark everything with a one. Except roller skating! I wouldn't put it past him. lol I'm eager to get their surveys back so I can finish planning. We also asked them for a birthday list and thoughts on what they want to do for their birthday party this year. Since I have moved away, we have a group birthday party for the three of them, they get their presents then, and we just do it whenever we end up having our visit. It works out well with each of them having summerish birthdays - July, August, and September. I try to make sure our visit does not actually coincide with anyone's birthday, b/c I don't want the others feeling left out. So far we have succeeded, though with the tight timeline, we are often just a day or two off from a birthday. I'm sure we are going to have a GREAT visit! I am so thrilled they are coming here.


SassyFemme said...

That survey is a BRILLIANT idea!

Court said...

Thanks! I think it will end up being a pretty good idea. One problem we often have is that Spencer, being the only boy, often gets outvoted on things. So I'm hoping that one of the benefits of doing it this way, is that with anonymous votes on paper, he'll get more of a fair shot.

It is really helping them to get excited about things too... well, not that they needed much help in that area. lol. But I think it is still a fun anticipation thing for them.