Sunday, June 22, 2008

I feel so decadent...

Normally posts about food would go on the other blog, but considering I talk about how *healthy* we are over there, I would be far to embarrassed to write this post over there.

Amanda's party is over... I would call it a mixed success. It was certainly interesting. We let her buy lots of party foods on Friday in preparation. We gave her a budget, but what she spent it on was entirely up to her. She bought lots of really horrible junk food. And (fortunately? unfortunately?) there is quite a bit remaining. And Kim and I are both totally PMSing. You can see where this is going, right?

We have totally binged on JUNK today. Crackers, cheese ball, cream puffs, chips... and way too much of all of them. None of it is homemade. It is all packaged junk. Nothing natural, organic, or whole grain in the bunch. I think we're finally winding down a bit... I say that as we're each polishing off a large cup of coca-cola in all its awful, delicious glory... and we're even drinking it out of plastic cups. (My anti-plastic post is coming soon.)

I should feel awful horrible about what we are consuming today. But we all need days like this, right? And we did have green smoothies for breakfast, so the day hasn't been a total waste... ;)


Jen said...

Hmmm...horrible junk food. We never have it in the house, but I keep change in desk at work and if I REALLY, REALLY want some Cheetos I will get a bag from the vending machine...I have to be pretty snacky to think a small bag of cheetos is worth eating AND worth spending a whole dollar on.

I have been on the anti-plastic bandwagon for a couple years now...I LOVE Love love to talk about it! Can't wait for that post!

Syd said...

Mmmm, junk food.

I'm PMSing too.

SassyFemme said...

I can't believe you have this many blogs going! I swear I'd feel like a split personality if I even thought about trying it. It's hard enough having one email for blogging and old friends, and another for church friends and new friends I don't want to Google the SF site.

We PMS binge on sugar cookies and popcorn (with butter and salt, of course). We've just learned it's easier not to have that shit in the house or we eat it all at once.

Jen said...

Sara put bacon salt and garlic on her popcorn the other day...I am more of a purist.

Court said...

Jen - we almost never have it the house either, and when we do it is usually specifically Amanda's and we don't have a problem avoiding it. But couple *freebie* junk food with PMS, and we had mega problems! lol. I love talking about my plastic loathing too... we could have a good chat about it, I bet!

LOL Syd! All three of us cycling at the same time... that should make for a fun mid-summers visit. ;)

Sassy - LOL! I think it must be the difference in how our brains work. My total ADD brain *needs* things to be compartmenalized!! Sugar cookies are yummy, but we pretty much never have them either. I refuse to think of popcorn as a junk food - we make very healthy popcorn, that tastes so YUMMY!!