Thursday, August 28, 2008

I like this kid.

So this is the first week back to school at East Jesus Community College. As I am sure you all can imagine, I love the first week back b/c of the huge influx of rude, stupid, crazy people. I have a particular dislike for the first week of classes b/c I have to be a greeter for students and new faculty. I have to stand near the entrance of my building and tell the lost where to go. (Yes, it a huge temptation to tell them where I really want them to go.) The traffic ebbs and flows as classes get started and end. I noticed this one kid come during a particular busy time and just sort of look around. I asked if he needed help finding something, and he said he was just hanging out waiting for his girlfriend to get out of class. I loved his shirt... "I don't like people." After the busyness died down for that round, we had this conversation...

Me: *looking obviously at his shirt with a grin* Me either.

Student: *quick as a wink* Sucks to be you then, huh... with a job like that?

Me: *laughs* Tell me about it!

Student: *laughs*

Ahhh, it had been a really stressful morning. I really needed that bit of comic relief. And seriously, he had perfect timing with his retort.

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